Clarity Aloft aviation headsets are great for your flights and for your life. The biggest draw for pilots to our headsets is the long term preservation of hearing. But you’re also getting industry leading comfort that helps lessen fatigue. Pair those features with easy and clear communications and it’s apparent why Clarity Aloft is so popular across all types of flying.
Headsets For All Planes and All Pilots
Clarity Aloft is big in airlines, yes, but is also very dominant in aerobatics. No matter how noisy the cockpit or whether or not it ever goes upside down, the quiet clarity and comfort of a Clarity Aloft headset makes each flight a pleasure.

Sound Clarity
Speak and listen with ease. Crisp, clear microphones and audiophiles’ dream speakers make our headsets renowned for communication. They won’t just make your flight more pleasant, they will make it safer. Explore the highlighted headset features shown here for additional information.
More About Sound ClarityMicrophone
Aerobatic performers using our headsets are frequently asked why they can be heard so well in the cockpit during their shows. It’s because the audio output of this microphone far exceeds the capabilities of most other aviation microphones.
Our noise-canceling dual electret microphones have distortion-free, flat frequency response that produces clear audio over the entire range of speech frequencies. Speak and be heard.
How can something so small deliver such powerful sound? The speakers used in Clarity Aloft headsets are derived from the highest quality dual balanced armature transducers that can authentically reproduce subtle nuances in sound. Now you can get that clearance right the first time, have an actual conversation, even enjoy a favorite song. Experience sound quality for the discriminating ear.

Flying is about freedom. Our design innovations make you forget you’re even wearing a headset. For work or for enjoyment, make your flight a comfortable one. Explore the highlighted headset features shown here for additional information.
More About ComfortLow Profile Headband
We discarded the idea that a headband goes on top of the head. That’s simply not comfortable. Looping over the ears like a pair of glasses, our band goes behind the head and is made of lightweight stainless steel. It is less than 1.5 oz of head weight and allows you to wear a hat, sunglasses, and an oxygen cannula simultaneously.
Flexible Boom
A flexible microphone boom adds utility. You can easily move it to any angle to correctly position the ‘talk’ side of the microphone to your mouth or move it completely out of the way for drinking or eating.

Hearing Protection
Protect your hearing for all that lies ahead. Put a true physical block between harmful noise and your ability to hear with our industry-leading in-ear headsets. Explore the highlighted headset features shown here for additional information.
More About Hearing ProtectionFoam Tips
The advanced foam canal tips block unwanted noise and provide a channel for the speakers to deliver desired sounds at a safe volume. Every communication can be intelligible and clear. These soft hygienic tips are available in a variety of sizes to fit almost any ear canal.

Our Products
Try Clarity Aloft on your next flight. We give you a full month to test the performance of our headsets so you can feel secure that Clarity Aloft is right for you.